NSF EFRI: An End-To-End Framework for Soft Robot Design and Control Based on High Performance Electrohydraulic Transducers
Sponsor: NSF Investigators: PI: Rob Shepherd (Cornell), Co-PIs: Sean Humbert (CU), Christoph Keplinger (CU), Amit Lal (Cornell), Hadas Kress-Gazit (Cornell)
AFOSR Center of Excellence on Nature Inspired Flight Technologies and Ideas (NIFTI)
Sponsor: AFOSR Investigators: PI: Tom Daniel (UW); Institute Leads: Sean Humbert (CU); Sarah Bergbreiter (CMU); Pamela Abshire (UMD); Cindy Moss (JHU); Mark Willis (CWRU)
Collision Avoidance and Local Guidance Based on Insect Visual Motion Processing
Sponsor: AFRL-Eglin (Johnny Evers) Investigators: PI: Pat Shoemaker (Tanner Research, Inc.) Co-PIs: Sean Humbert (UMD), David O’Carroll (Univ of Adelaide)